Saturday, August 29, 2009

Unison Mini Works Show and COTA!

Hey there,
I'm happy to say that one of my pieces will be in the Unison Mini Works Show at Water Street Market in New Paltz, NY. The opening is Fri. Sept. 4 from 5-7 pm. All of the pieces in this show will measure 5 x 5 inches. If you are around you should stop by and check it out.
Also, I will once again have a table at this year's Celebration of the Arts in New Paltz (or "COTA" for all you hepcats). This year it will be held October 10th down on Huguenot Street. I'll post more info when I have some. Hope to see you around!

Your pal,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

streamo: volume 1 is officially for sale!

Exciting news! The book version of streamo is now available for sale online. All you have to do open your favorite browser, have your favorite credit card in hand, and then go to the following address:

It costs $5.99 plus shipping, and for this meager price you get every streamo that was ever created between the years 2000 and 2008 (which is over 300)! The book is full color and was printed very nicely. Please have a look, and if you're feeling frisky have a buy. Also, I will have these for sale from now on at events and conventions and what not. Thanks a hundred and have a good day.

Your pal,

Friday, June 12, 2009

MoccaFest, streamo, and a new hub.

Hello all,
I am happy to say that MoccaFest was a terrific experience. This being my first event of this type (on the other side of the table) I didn't totally know what to expect, but it was great. I was able to meet some people and sell some things and just generally get my work out there a little. I also drew my first convention sketch for someone (a little girl, who told me my sketch was amazing... big smile). Thank you to Allison, Collin, Brian, Sophia and Jean for making the table experience fun and successful. I hope we all can do this again sometime and somewhere.
So, as people were taking my business card from MoccaFest I realized that they may be actually going to, and that I should actually kinda make a page for them to see. So I kinda did. Previously the address took you to this very blog, but now it takes you to a page that is essentially a collection of links to the places my stuff resides all over the internet... or a "hub" if you will. I just like the word hub.
And finally, a couple days ago my first streamo collection arrived from the printer! I am excited, it turned out well. It contains over 300 streamo comics, every one ever created through 2008. I have a limited supply that I'll be selling in person at events or wherever, and soon it will be available for sale online as well. I'll keep everyone informed as to the specifics soon. Have a good one, I'm off to bed.

Your pal,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MoccaFest 2009!

Hello there!
MoccaFest is this weekend, and I'll be exhibiting! This is my first time having a table at a comic convention, so I'm pretty jazzed. I'll have my usual stuff like buttons, stickers, prints and what not.... but if the gods be willing I'll have some comics to sell too (and snazzy business cards). There have been some shipping issues, but everything should make it in just under the wire. I'll be sharing the table with some very talented people:

- Allison Braun, comic creator and printmaker.
- Maria Calderone, illustator and printmaker.
- Brian Rubin, writer of Coptopus comic.
- Collin David, artist of Coptopus comic.

If you happen to be in the New York City area this weekend you should stop in and say hi and have a gander. All the info is on the card above.

Your pal,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Please drop me a vote at!

Hey everyone!
I've entered one of my designs into a weekly t-shirt contest at If I get enough votes they will make some t-shirts with my drawing on it and give me some cash, which would be lovely. If you would be so kind, please go to the following link and vote for my picture:

It's called "snowman dino battle disco" by 25footclown. Vote as many times as it will let you. It will be up for the next 21 days (until April 12 I believe). Thanks so much and I wish on you the very best pizza.

Your pal,

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Showcase! Sat March 28! Yeah!

Hey! Come see me and a bunch of other artists and musicians and performers at The Showcase on March 28. All the info is on the above flyer. This is the third one of these events that I have participated in, and its always a good time with good music and networking and all that. Hope to see you there!

Your pal,

p.s.- If you'd like to participate yourself, go to for more info.

Friday, March 13, 2009